Atlanta Pride

A scavenger hunt for Atlanta Pride in a post-Covid world

My Role       UX Designer + UX Researcher
Timeline      4 months
Tools            Figma, Qualtrics, Miro
Team            Savannah Phillips, Sue Reon Kim, Austin Peete



Due to COVID-19 and health safety measures, Atlanta Pride 2020 was held virtually. My team reached out to the Atlanta Pride Committee (APC), the organization that typically organizes the parade. After various meetings with the APC, we came to the conclusion that our team would work on designing and prototyping a virtual scavenger hunt.


Our Target user group was adults in the LGBTQ+ community in Georgia, as they compose a majority of Atlanta Pride's 300,000+ attendees. We focused on members of the LGBTQ+ community (not including allies) in alignment with Pride's focus of celebrating these community members.


Design a scavenger hunt experience that can virtually engage members of the LGBTQ+ community leading up to the Atlanta Pride 2020 virtual events.

Playing Mode

Users can choose their playing mode based on how comfortable they feel being around others due to the Covid pandemic.


The player or team profile displays statistics and provides access to all other features on the app.

QR Codes

If players opt to complete in-person quests, they can scan QR codes that have been posted throughout the city.

Answer Questions

Users receive points for quests that they complete virtually.


Getting to know our users

Before designing anything, we conducted some user research in order to understand our target user group better. First, we sent out a Qualtrics survey to gather information about previous experiences with Atlanta Pride and virtual events. Based on that data, we curated semi-structured interviews to get more in-depth information about how to structure a scavenger hunt and engage users in a virtual space.

  • 69 participants
  • 5 minutes
  • Qualtrics
  • 4 participants
  • 30 minutes
  • Zoom



We started our design process by each brainstorming design concepts individually on Miro, then coming together and identifying themes and similar ideas.

We identified two final mobile application ideas, a mobile board game and a more traditional scavenger hunt, as well as a few additional design features that we wanted to incorporate into our final design.


Design 1: Board Game
The board game idea mobile app gamifies the scavenger hunt: it allows users to create an avatar and follow a map as they answer questions.

Design 2: Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt mobile app allows users to play in a virtual or hybrid setting, and as a solo or team player.

Based on the feedback for our two design ideas, we made the decision to move forward with Design 2, the scavenger hunt mobile app. Users appreciated that this design was in more of a standard scavenger hunt format and allowed for more collaboration and team play.



We translated our sketches into wireframes on Figma and incorporated ideas from our sketch feedback sessions including additional modes of play so that users can play both virtually and in-person (hybrid).

Final Design Ideation

We wanted to create a final design that was playful, fun, and really represented Atlanta Pride, so we played around with many different designs before landing on our final design. We had a lot of fun with this process, as you can see by the variety of design ideas we went through.


Once we completed the first iteration of our prototype, we conducted usability testing with users and heuristic evaluations with experts.

User Testing

We were able to complete usability testing with 5 users. Each user was presented with 5 tasks to complete and we recorded the task completion rate as well as the time taken to complete each task.

Heuristic Evaluation

We had 4 design experts complete a heuristic evaluation in which they gave our product a severity rating from 0-4 for each of Nielsen's 10 Heuristics. The heuristics with the highest severity ratings were:

Match between System and Real World (2.25)
Visibility of System Status (1.5)
Help and Documentation (1.5)
Consistency and Standards (1.5)


Next Iteration

Quests match mental models

Notification system
Redesign pencil icon

Build out help and settings pages


Continuously revisit the research findings during the design stage

Individual brainstorming is a great start to team brainstorming


Designing a scavenger hunt experience that can engage memebrs of the LGBTQ+ community during the Atlanta Pride Parade